Garfield - Gould City Mayview Phase 4

Project Number: 2017
From milepost 13.84 to milepost 16.581
RATA Funds: $1,572,800
Legislative District: 9
Date Approved: 2015
This project is a continuation of Gould-City Mayview Road Phase I, Phase II and Phase III Projects. Phase 1, 2 and 3 projects were completed in 2003, 2005 and 2017 respectively. The existing road is gravel and used extensively during the dryer periods for farm to market and access to Lower Granite Dam and Snake River.

This Project is Phase 4 of 4 phases and includes horizontal and vertical alignment correction, drainage, BST, ballast, grading, signing, guardrail and hazard elimination. The existing alignment will be followed as much as possible with the exception of the area where hoizontal curve adjustments are required and at the end of the project where it will tie into Kirby-Mayview Road. The existing road was an 18' shoulder to shoulder gravel road, which was reconstructed to an all weather road with a 28' BST Road Surface ( 12' lanes, 2' shoulder.)

Access to Farm to market, Lower Granite Dam and the south shore of the Snake River was greatly improved in that it created an all weather roadway and cut off 5 miles each way. This was the completion of a 20 year planned 4 phase improvements linking the town of Pomeroy and points west, including the Port of Garfield, US 12 and SR 127 to the Lower Granite Dam Area. Nothing but positive feedback from the public.