Capitol Lake Winter

Government Affairs

Welcome! The County Road Administration Board is responsible for reporting annually on the status of each county's road administration and providing recommendations throughout the year to Legislature on ways to improve the administration of county road programs.

If you are new to transportation or would just appreciate a refresher of how Washington's unique county road system came to be, check out our data story below.

If you would like to hear from us on how the latest news, recommendations, requests and insights from our agency, you'll find them in the links below.

NEW: You can now visit our legislative district map for summary of county road lane miles, ADT, collisions, and more in your district!



How can we help you?

Our agency offers a variety of resources and services for legislative and government staff and we are available to: 

  • Provide an extensive amount of data on Washington's 78,000 center lane mile county transportation system 
  • Help policy makers connect with content experts on staff who understand both state and county level government for data and insights for transportation decision-making
  • Make connections with our partners at the county and state levels

The agency also provides guidance in other formats such as newsletters and press releases. Please reach out with any inquiries using the form below.

Legislative Contact Form