Project Number: 1962
From milepost 0.87 to milepost 1.33
RATA Funds: $5,000,000
Legislative District: 4
Date Approved: 2010
Forker Road is a heavily traveled road for both commuting and for commercial and industrial use and connects directly to the heavily traveled Bigelow Gulch Road. It is a regionally significant T2 rural minor arterial roadway that connects the City of Spokane Valley to north Spokane and just as important, to major state highways.
Forker Road was a narrow 24’ wide, 2 lane road with steep grades, no clear zone recovery areas, and inadequate sight distances. The roadway integrity was compromised with alligator cracking and general deterioration.
A complete reconstructed road was necessary, widening the road to 76 feet, consisting of two 12' lanes in each direction, a 12-foot two-way left-turn lane and 8-foot shoulders. The roadway is now significantly safer to travel and provides adequate clear zone recovery areas providing an unobstructed and traversable road, additional lanes, improved sight distance for roadway users, and guardrails where needed.