San Juan - Orcas Road

Project Number: 1889
From milepost 3.4 to milepost 4.5
RATA Funds: $2,587,500
Legislative District: 40
Date Approved: 2013
Orcas Road is the primary route from the ferry to the Urban Growth Area of Eastsound. The road is used by trucks, delivery vans, passenger vehicles and bicyclists. It is also part of the San Juan Islands Scenic Byway. Many destinations on Orcas Island are served by this route including: Moran State Park, the SJC Transfer Station, YMPCA Camp Orkila, several resorts and entire eastern side of Orcas Island.

Over the length of the project, Orcas Road had two deficient horizontal curves at intersections, as well as deficient stopping sight distances in four locations. In addition, there were clusters of accidents at one intersection, including a fatality, and run off road accidents throughout the project due to travel lanes with no shoulders.

• Four-foot shoulders were added to both sides of the project roadway to provide room for vehicles and bicycles
• Intersection geometry and sight distance was improved at three intersections
• Guardrails were added in areas with steep slope drop-offs
• Vegetated filter strips and detention ponds were added to improve stormwater treatment and detention