Adams - Cunningham

Project Number: 1879
From milepost 4.77 to milepost 8.39
RATA Funds: $922,500
Legislative District: 9
Date Approved: 2015
Cunningham Rd Parallels SR26 and can be used as a alternate. As a minor collector, it links Southeast and Southwest Adams County together. The road is a major haul route for farmer’s agricultural products to market or storage.

The existing pavement was distressed and trucks had difficulty negotiating the road because of its narrowness. The county needed to consider: 1); 44% of the traffic was heavy trucks. 2); The lane width was 9 to 10 feet with a varying 1 to 3 foot gravel and native material shoulder that had eroded in places.

The project improvements included widening the roadbed to 28 feet, mitigating roadside hazards, widening shoulders, adding guardrail where required, and surfacing the entire roadway with a BST wearing course.

There has been great positive feedback from the public on the upgrade to this section of Cunningham and the continued project RAP 0117-02 is scheduled for widening in 2021