Jefferson - South Discovery Road Pavement Preservation

Project Number: 1779
From milepost 3.2 to milepost 4.56
RATA Funds: $450,000
Legislative District: 24
Date Approved: 2015
South Discovery Road is a territorial road established with the U.S. Congressional Act of 1859. This road is a Rural Minor Collector that has an A.D.T. of 3000; it connects the Four Corners area to the city of Port Townsend. This road serves residents, farms, businesses (Discovery Bay Golf Course, Chevy Chase Beach Cabins, etc.) and the Discovery Bay Camp & Mission Center.

This segment of South Discovery Road had a poor surface condition and ride quality. The purpose of this project was to preserve the road structure and improve the ride quality and safety.

Asphalt pavement dig-out repairs were completed and the existing deteriorating pavement was overlaid with new asphalt pavement, gravel shoulder finishing, pavement striping, and concrete barrier was placed along a bluff that is adjacent to the road, and roadside obstructions removed. Public comments have been positive concerning the new asphalt pavement road surface.