Project Number: 1681
From milepost 6.62 to milepost 8.36
RATA Funds: $2,448,000
Legislative District: 15
Date Approved: 2010
This section of Yakima Valley was originally part of the Inland Empire Highway #85 which subsequently was renamed SR 410. After completion of Interstate 82 in the 1980's, The State Route was transferred to Yakima County. This road currently serves as an important Farm to Processing Collector road that serves local Agricultural transportation, but also a high volume of passenger traffic between population centers and distributed worksites.

The original highway was constructed as a 20 foot wide Portland cement concrete pavement. Over the years, the road was widened and overlaid with asphalt concrete pavement. Because of reflective cracking due to faulting of the concrete pavement, coupled with poor drainage, the pavement condition has deteriorated severely, and needed to be completely reconstructed.

Reconstruction consisted of removal of the asphalt concrete pavement, cracking and seating of the cement concrete pavement, drainage improvements, construction of a new bridge over an irrigation wasteway, minor widening and horizontal curve flattening. The structural section consisted of .75 foot of Crushed Surfacing Base Course and .5 foot of HMA in the traveled lanes.