Lewis - HIGHWAY 603 - 2

Project Number: 1667
From milepost 11.7 to milepost 13.42
RATA Funds: $1,125,000
Legislative District: 20
Date Approved: 2008
Highway 603 was a state highway that was transferred by deed to county jurisdiction in June of 1994. Highway 603 extends from SR-6 southerly to the City of Winlock. Highway 603 connects the City of Winlock, City of Napavine, and the Evaline, Newaukum, and Claquato areas. An interesting side note is that within the project limits there was a horizontal curve that was known to the locals as "dead mans curve". It was rebuilt to current standards as part of the project.

The purpose of the project was to reconstruct the roadway by improving the clear zone and sight distance, increasing the width to meet LAG guidelines, deficient horizontal curves, intersection alignments and radii on connecting roadways, and drainage.

The roadway was reconstructed to a width of 36', horizontal and vertical alignments were improved to current design standards, intersections were realigned and the radii were improved, accommodations for storm water were constructed, and safety measures such as: guardrail, flexible guideposts, and recessed pavement markings were installed. Positive feedback has included citizens comments on how the added width and other features have increased the safety of the roadway.