Franklin - R-170 Road; Bridge 608-2.35

Project Number: 1612
From milepost 2.3 to milepost 2.4
RATA Funds: $217,000
Legislative District: 9
Date Approved: 2013
R-170 is a major arterial linking the northwest section of Franklin County to SR-17 & SR-395 (City of Mesa). The road has been serving the County’s citizens since the late 1800’s; providing access to Basin City, a community of homes, elementary school, churches, grain elevators, stores and markets. This T3 classified all-weather road is used to transport a wide range of agricultural goods from farm to market. Recent ADT’s show a volume of 913 vehicles, with 27% representing truck traffic.

R-170 Bridge (#608-2.35) is located between Basin City and SR-17. During the 2011 Bridge Inspection, it was revealed that two timber stringers in the east bound lane cracked forcing the bridge to be closed while County Road maintenance performed a temporary repair. The temporary repair allowed cars to travel over the bridge but load restrictions were put into place for truck traffic.
This bridge project replaced the 87’ timber bridge with a single span concrete girder bridge, replacing bridge rail with traffic barrier and impact attenuator. Since the project was improving to current design standards, widening was also done, from 24’ to 34’. During the construction, South Columbia Irrigation District took the opportunity to line the canal with concrete at the bridge location.

The truck drivers, irrigation district, and local residents have enjoyed the new R-170 Bridge. The newly constructed bridge is wider than the previous bridge, and with no load restrictions, trucks now have a direct route between Basin City and the highway.