Project Number: 1558
From milepost 0.47 to milepost 2.02
RATA Funds: $769,500
Legislative District: 20
Date Approved: 2005
Until the mid 1970s Koontz Road was an at-grade crossing with I-5 and served as the main freeway access for the city of Napavine. It was one of three at-grade I-5 crossings in Lewis County at the time. The crossing was replaced with an overpass with no freeway access. Koontz Road, along with N. Military Road and Avery Road West still provide freeway access for Napavine, local industry, and commercial vehicles where US-12 meets I-5 at exit 68.

The purpose of the project was to reconstruct a failing roadway, improve clear zone and sight distance, increase the width to accommodate commercial vehicle traffic, and correct intersection alignments and radii on connecting roadways.

The roadway was reconstructed to a width of 34', horizontal and vertical alignments were improved to current design standards, intersections were realigned and the radii were improved, accommodations for storm water were constructed, and safety measures such as: guardrail, flexible guideposts, and recessed pavement markings were installed. Positive feedback has included drivers that appreciate the new driving surface, added sight distance, and improved turning radii. Bicyclists and pedestrians have commented on how the added width has increased the safety of using the roadway.