Project Number: 1531
From milepost 0.26 to milepost 0.52
RATA Funds: $334,800
Legislative District: 2
Date Approved: 2007
Wilkensen Road is classed as a major collector and serves as a major access from the urban residential areas north of Yelm to the downtown areas, and State Routes 507 and 510.

Wilkensen road between the city limits and Port Orford Blvd was an asphalt paved surface in poor condition with numerous longitudinal and transverse cracking. The section between Port Orford Blvd and Ordway Drive was a poor condition BST with severe edge raveling. A single sharp 90-degree curve was posted with a 10 MPH advisory speed.

The roadway was reconstructed to provide 11’ travel lanes with 5’ paved shoulders. The sharp 90-degree curve was realigned to allow a 25 MPH advisory speed. Stormwater improvements were constructed to fully treat and infiltrate all runoff.