Project Number: 1481
From milepost 5.02 to milepost 7.12
RATA Funds: $1,692,000
Legislative District: 13
Date Approved: 2003
Summitview is a Major Collector road that supports 5,231 vehicles a day and serves the rural community of Cowchie, and the Town of Tieton.

The unimproved roadway was narrow with little or no shoulders. The pavement was in poor condition, and the intersection with N. Cowiche Road was a substandard wye configuration.

The improvements widened the roadway to provide 12 ft through lanes and 8 ft paved shoulders. Through the limits of the rural community of Cowiche the roadway was improved to a three lane section with curb gutter sidewalks and inclosed drainage. The intersection of N. Cowiche was reconstructed (squared up) to a Tee intersection. The new sidewalks provide students a safe path from the highschool to the store in Cowiche.