Stevens - ALADDIN

Project Number: 1339
From milepost 22.5 to milepost 25.5
RATA Funds: $1,694,700
Legislative District: 7
Date Approved: 2009
The Aladdin Road is a major County road collector connecting the northeast section of Stevens County to the City of Colville and southern Stevens County. It is classified as an 07 roadway with an ever increasing AADT. The Freight and Good classification is T-3.

The surface and subsurface of the section of Aladdin was very poor as evident in extensive alligator cracking, shoulder sags and wide spread patching. The road was narrow as well.

The roadway surface was widened from 24 feet to 28 feet. A key vertical crest curve was brought up to current design standards. Cement treated base was mixed into the subgrade and several "soft spots" were fixed. Guardrail was added were needed and signing was upgraded.