Project Number: 1295
From milepost 0 to milepost 3.09
RATA Funds: $2,907,000
Legislative District: 9
Date Approved: 2007
Colfax Airport Road is the main route connecting the Colfax Airport to SR 26 and the South side of Colfax. This route is also therefore used as a bypass of Colfax by a large portion of travelers making the trip from west of Colfax to communities south of Colfax like Pullman or vice versa. Additionally the road serves as a route for commercial traffic using the airport, it’s surrounding businesses, and as a connection to Almota Road traffic headed south to the Snake River and Almota.

Existing structure and alignment conditions warranted that the route to be improved to safety, geometric, and structural standards.

A reconstruction project was therefore bid and the improvements were made. The result has been reduced maintenance costs and many comments of support from the local road users.