Project Number: 1281
From milepost 1.22 to milepost 1.99
RATA Funds: $352,350
Legislative District: 15
Date Approved: 2007
Hot Springs Ave., in Skamania County, is a main arterial for economic trade coming from, and heading to the eastern part of the state. The most recent RATA funded project was accomplished in two sections: (1); a 1900 ft. long roadway reconstruction section, and (2); smaller scope overlay sections off both ends of the reconstruction section.

The reconstruction section had superelevation problems, sharp corners and narrow surface width given the relatively high traffic volumes. The first construction obstacle to be tackled was a rock wall that had to be removed to gain the width needed to straighten out the roadway and attain the targeted 8% slope for this section. It became apparent to the county early on that the rock face could be excavated without blasting, thereby reducing the days of roadway closure. The existing roadway surface was rubblized and stockpiled onsite to be used as the sub-grade for the new alignment. Even though the construction zones were tight between areas being worked, traffic moved through the project with minimal interruption to the contractor and the public.

The road was resurfaced by first leveling the roadway with asphalt to the design crown and slope, then paving with a 3 inch asphalt overlay. Guardrail was adjusted to meet standards.

The Contractor and Engineering Staff were able to clear project obstacles each day through open communication on this project, enabling completion 10 days under schedule.