New Legislative Resources Now Available!

Legislative Resources

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new Government Affairs page, complete with the latest data, recommendations, requests and insights from our agency for decision-makers in the state.


The County Road Administration Board is responsible for reporting annually on the status of each county's road administration and providing recommendations throughout the year to the Legislature on ways to improve the administration of county road programs.

This page will be the new home for all of our legislative resources in one place and will provide a contact form for our legislative partners. 

In addition to our annual report and data resources, you'll also find:


A Brief History of Washington's County Roads

If you are new to transportation or would just appreciate a refresher of how Washington's unique county road system came to be, check our data story.

Legislative Safety Stats

NEW: You can now visit our legislative district dashboard for summary of county road lane miles, ADT, collisions, and more in your district!

2024 Legislative Recommendations

NEW: The Government Affairs page now includes our expert recommendations on the most pressing improvements currently needed to the transportation system.


We look forward to hearing from you what comments, questions, and feedback you have as we continue to develop and share resources with our county and state partners!


Jacque Netzer

Jacque Netzer
Communications Director